With the advent of the current public health situation (corona, COVID, The Virus Which Must Not Be Named, etc.), big changes are happening everywhere and Cozy Cafe is not "immune."
These are tumultuous and scary times for everyone in the food and retail industry, and public safety and health is obviously everyone's top priority. In this instance we are lucky, because our cafe has not opened yet so we don't have to shut down.
However, these new developments will likely have an impact on our grand opening and plans moving forward.
We are still 100% committed to opening Cozy Cafe in Arlington this summer, as soon as it is safe to do so! This blog will be home to the most up to date information on our opening journey.
In the meantime, the Cozy Cafe Crew is still hard at work preparing for our big opening. We are testing and perfecting new recipes for the cafe, continuing to work on the design for the cafe, and corresponding with vendors and retailers to secure supplies and furnishings.
You will continue to see posts about upcoming events we are planning, because we are operating under a sense of optimism. We will be opening this summer, and one way or another, we will be bringing you fun events and experiences! Check back for updates, recipes, and sneak peeks as we share how we're continuing on our journey to opening even through the current situation.
Stay safe and stay cozy!